Monthly Archive: June, 2019

The Reef (2010) has sharks

There’s something about the threat of a shark attack that scares me.  The Reef (2010) uses that tension really well, and nobody is safe.  The story centers around a group of friends delivering… Continue reading

Child’s Play 2019 – Revenge of the Smart Device

Child’s Play (2019) tried to be a Chucky movie with a new technology concept and they went full-on satirical for this outing.  There’s no pretense of being a horror movie for this one,… Continue reading

Indie Horror Spotlight: Head Count (2018) Review

Head Count (2018) is an indie horror movie with a unique premise.  It has a younger 20-something cast and a vibe emphasizing tension over anything else, and I liked that.  The story is… Continue reading

God-Awful Godzilla has god-awful opening

A movie’s opening weekend is very important.  The box office from that weekend is usually indicative of good anticipation for that movie, through marketing or the reputation of the original, if it is… Continue reading

The political Godzilla

The creators of Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) use Godzilla’s reputation for allegory to insert politics and overall strangeness into the story.  It’s a unique and weird story, to say the least. … Continue reading

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