Monthly Archive: November, 2022

The monster on the hill is rubber

The Crawling Eye (1958) is a monster attack movie made on the cheap in the UK. It was based on an episode shown on UK variety television and later expanded into a movie… Continue reading

The copycat horror movie, Smile (2022)

Smile (2022) has made millions of dollars using a familiar formula. Director Parker Finn turned his short film Laura Hasn’t Slept into the movie Smile, but he looks to have borrowed a whole… Continue reading

Brian DePalma’s Dressed to Kill

Brian DePalma’s Dressed to Kill doesn’t live up to it’s Hitchcock parallels. I think maybe I have higher standards for celebrated professionals like DePalma, but parts of Dressed to Kill feel amateur, sleazy,… Continue reading

It’s dumb, stupid and awesome – WEIRD AL

The new Weird Al Movie is dumb, stupid and awesome, worth watching because it’s a breath of fresh air. At a time when every movie is super serious, the Weird Al story with… Continue reading

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