Monthly Archive: December, 2022

Santa kicks ass

Universal delivers maybe the most simple and heartwarming holiday action movie ever, with Santa as the hero kicking ass and taking names. David Harbour plays Santa Claus, and the joke at the beginning… Continue reading

Invisible Agent

The Grandson of the original INVISIBLE MAN is hunted down by Axis powers in this spy thriller from 1942. Invisible Agent is the fourth movie in the Invisible Man franchise from Universal, and… Continue reading

Christmas F’n Christmas

SHUDDER enters the Christmas Horror genre with Christmas Bloody Christmas, which has tons of annoying young people trying to look cool. The movie has a cool concept featuring a robotic Santa Clause trying… Continue reading

George Pal scours the world for stock footage

George Pal scoured the Earth in 1951 for anything he could borrow featuring floods and earthquakes for his movie When World’s Collide. Pal’s movie is a big budget science fiction movie from the… Continue reading

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