Monthly Archive: August, 2023

The colossal man

War of the Colossal Beast (1958) has been parodied and ridiculed over the years because it’s your typical 50s horror-movie fodder, complete with a campy and weird premise. American Pictures released this movie… Continue reading

Oppenheimer Review

The new Oppenheimer movie is a look at a complex man. It’s not told in documentary style, but is more about how Oppenheimer has dealt with adversary, discrimination and conflict over the years.… Continue reading

Last Voyage of the Demeter Review

Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) is an interesting, small-scale tale about Dracula on a ship. Fun times. The people over at Dreamworks and Reliance Entertainment used the Dracula novel as inspiration for… Continue reading

Run, it’s a giant scorpion – the Black Scorpion Review

Warner Brothers tried to double down on the succeess they had with THEM! in 1954, but its venture into Mexican bug territory came up short. Black Scorpion (1957) has everything a giant bug… Continue reading

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