Tag Archive: rob zombie

31 Days of Halloween – Day One: 3 From Hell (2019)

3 From Hell (2019) is the sequel everyone’s happy to have, but nobody really wanted.  The audience I saw the movie with was clearly on the side of the serial killers, and laughed… Continue reading

3 From Hell reactions

I saw 3 From Hell with some Rob Zombie fans and good times were had by all.  There’s so many good and crappy things about this movie, I could probably fill two run-on… Continue reading

The Devil’s Rejects Remembered…

eThe Devil’s Rejects could be the most over-the-top violent chase movie ever.  I didn’t see this movie when it first came out because I thought it was too much, and I saw 1000… Continue reading

3 From HELL (2019) premiere on Sept 16,17,18 + bonus

The Devil’s Rejects sequel 3 From Hell by Rob Zombie premieres next week and I have passes to the Sept 17 showing at my local indie theatre to see it.  That’s right folks,… Continue reading

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