Tag Archive: Star Trek

Picard Episodes 1 & 2 – Hey, it’s a little better

Star Trek Picard returns with a brand new season and all our old friends are in tow, making for an improved show. There’s better pace, more scope and the characters are much more… Continue reading

Star Trek Returns with all new cartoons

Star Trek Lower Decks returns on Paramount+ with new episodes, for Kirk’s sake. Main character Mariner returns with her ragtag group of pals to cause all kinds of bottom-of-the-hierarchy fun. This series continues… Continue reading

Star Trek Picard ep 3 and 4 – about the same

Star Trek Picard has a new and better pace and tone, which is not a bad thing. There’s a lot to improve on from season one and it shows in season two; there’s… Continue reading

Star Trek Picard Returns with less crap, right?

Star Trek Picard Episode 1 and 2 are very enjoyable with only a couple of reservations. I think my expectations were really low for season 2 of Picard on Paramount+, and I was… Continue reading

Star Trek Picard – Episode 5 Warping Star Trek

Episode Five of Star Trek Picard waffles between predictable and dumb, then the reality sets in, that this series seems to be arguing that most Star Trek characters have been delusional and there… Continue reading

Star Trek Picard, Episode 1 & 2 & 3 Review

Picard could be the slowest show I’ve ever watched.   This could have been the death blow to most shows ten years ago, but these days, it’s common for streaming services to stretch everything… Continue reading

Return of the Motionless Picture – Sept 15 & 18

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) returns to theaters this September for the most motionless action ever put to screen.  My original thoughts were that this movie needed an injection of something, anything… Continue reading

Tracing Star Trek Insurrection

Tracing and exploring the creation of Star Trek Insurrection is one way of opening a book written by writer Michael Piller, who died in 2005 of cancer, leaving behind hundreds of hours of… Continue reading

What is Star Trek: Discovery? Can you tell from episode one?

Star Trek: Discover has a lot of great things going for it, and there’s a few things erking me about it too.  I’ve only seen episode 1 and these are my thoughts.  First,… Continue reading

How bad is Star Trek V? Where are the good parts?

Okay, so Star Trek V is a bad movie.  We know that already.  It’s got stupid and corny acting and the effects stink, but are there any good parts?  So begins The Search for… Continue reading

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Star Trek Beyond

Star Trek Beyond (2016) is entertaining, it’s just really forgettable.  This movie is maybe comparable to Star Trek Insurrection or Star Trek Nemesis because it’s a one-shot deal, except Beyond has better effects.… Continue reading

Flashback TV: Let’s Make a Deal with Captain Kirk

The first episode of the second season of Star Trek: The Animated series feels low-budget, but it has a lot of good things going on.  Most of the voices of Star Trek: The… Continue reading

At #1 – The Best Star Trek: The Next Generation episode

At the top of my top ten Next Generation countdown is the best episode ever made, Yesterday’s Enterprise, guest-starring Denise Crosby, Christopher McDonald, and Tricia O’Neill.  This episode has everything classic Star Trek… Continue reading

Top Ten Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes #8

The Inner Light is a celebrated episode, and gives us a taste of home and community all in one quiet episode.  It is moving and delicate, like a fairy tale in the middle… Continue reading

Top Ten Best Star Trek the Next Generation Episodes #6

All Good Things is not number one on my list, and looking at it again just now, it probably should be lower, considering the quality of others.  That’s not to say that these… Continue reading

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