Return of the Motionless Picture – Sept 15 & 18

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) returns to theaters this September for the most motionless action ever put to screen.  My original thoughts were that this movie needed an injection of something, anything to get the thing moving.  You might be thinking that this movie isn’t so bad, because the director himself Robert Wise went back and worked on back in 2001.  Paramount had a huge event for the “Director’s Edition” because even Wise admitted that The Motion Picture was an unfinished film, but then confusing DVD releases led to its disappearance and only the original version is available in High Definition.  The “special edition” director’s cut which I prefer is probably out of print, as the 2010 “remastered” DVD has the original version.  I purchased the special edition in 2002 and I think that’s the only time it’s been offered on DVD.