Monthly Archive: November, 2013

Why Was Star Wars So Popular in 1977?

Beginnings of a Cultural Phenomena I was reading about the phenomenal success of Star Wars and the savvy marketing done to give the film a  legacy still felt today.  Somehow, the movie became… Continue reading

Star Wars December 2015 competition

Star Wars is going to be released December 2015, an obvious bit of news everyone has heard, but what other movies are coming out in December.  Apparently it was announced that Mission Impossible… Continue reading

What is Christopher Lee doing these days?

Christopher Lee, star of some of my favorite Hammer horror movies, is still going strong at age 91.   I’m glad he is still trying to be active.   Reportedly, he was very… Continue reading

The Maltese Falcon…Remembered

In honor of the Bonhams auction, a review! The Maltese Falcon (1941) stars Humphrey Bogart & Mary Astor and is directed by John Huston. It is the very first American film noir movie,… Continue reading

Most Famous Statuette Ever Up For Auction Nov 25

Bonhams of New York to have rare movie memorabilia auction Dreams Are Made Of: A Century of Movie Magic at Auction as Curated by Turner Classic Movies When – Nov 25 13:00 EST… Continue reading

Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 5 Review

Episode 4.5: Internment Flu Is Deadly, bro A lot of things died this episode.  First, a number of the prison population died.  It makes me wonder how many total are in there.  At… Continue reading

The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942) … Remembered

Frankenstein Returns in Svengoolie Special The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942) is not a classic by any means, but notable for beginning the first in a series of successful B-Movies by Universal. This is the… Continue reading

Thor: The Dark World (2013) … Exclusive Review

Some Spoilers Thor: The Dark World is entertaining and presents characters that have a likeable familiarity in their quest to bring us memorable moments.  I have no complaints about the plot itself, although… Continue reading

Unforgiven (1992) … Remembered

The story of Unforgiven is like a final page in a book about westerns, perhaps mirroring the career of Clint Eastwood, and gives us a gritty, realistic west.  The beginning of the movie… Continue reading

Holiday Season Movies Coming Out today had an interesting article on the movies coming out over the holiday season, which begins the first week of November.  We are going to get some big movies this December, dominated… Continue reading

Quicksilver cast for Avengers: Age of Ultron

Reports are that Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been officially cast as the mutant Quicksilver in the upcoming Avengers sequel.  I’ve actually not familiar with this guy, but he has a respectable resume, having starred… Continue reading

Who is REAL the competition for Thor: The Dark World?

We all know Thor: The Dark World is opening Nov 8, but it is interesting that Ender’s Game will be the only competition for it opening weekend.  I’ve not heard anything bad about Ender’s Game, but I’m guessing… Continue reading

Why are zombies so popular?

Why are zombies so popular?  The Walking Dead, a well-received comic book, now a successful television program, was watched by 16.1 million people last week.  Holy cow.  That was a record for cable… Continue reading

North by Northwest (1959) … Remembered

The second in my “Remembered” series, North by Northwest (1959) is an Alfred Hitchcock mystery classic.  It has some great scenes and some of the most memorable backdrops in all of Hitchcock’s movies.  The picture… Continue reading

Star Trek 3 helmed by Joe Cornish?

Just a brief note about a possible Star Trek 3 director published in Variety on November 2.   Joe Cornish has been named as the possible favorite to direct Star Trek 3 in the wake of… Continue reading

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